Monday, April 10, 2017

"Let's Go for More"

Friday, March 31.   The team women were privileged to participate in the woman's conference that Mercedes had organized at her church. Over two hundred women, some who had travelled up to ten hours were in attendance. What a beautiful crowd, lovely dresses, glowing faces, dazzling smiles and radiating God's joy. There was music, dancing and three different speakers talking on the theme "Vamos por Mas" - "Lets Go for More".   Hopefully Erika can tell us a bit about what they said!!!
 An interesting phenomenon during the dancing was "slaying the spirit" . Many women got so moved by the music and the excitement that their hands started to tremble, then their arms, their body started to sway and then they passed out and were lowered to the floor. Being unfamiliar with this, my first reaction was to check if CPR was necessary but no one else seemed to think it was unusual. During the afternoon there were quite a few men on hand to safely lower the women to the floor.

Out in the courtyard there were two huge pots in which the lunch and dinners for two hundred plus women were prepared. I think they had rice with chicken and vegetables. It looked delicious.

The men of our team left with Miguel and toured the three mission churches that Miguel oversees. They were able to meet the ministers and assess the needs of the churches for future mission teams. I know that Zack and Jay were really excited about the prospects.



We got back to the hotel reasonably early as we had to pack and be ready for an early departure Saturday for the airport.Once again, a day of many blessings and experiences. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.  Jaye

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