Sunday, April 9, 2017

A full day!

March 30, 2017

Lee and Rita Burt
Devotion: Jaye and Joan
Joan told the little known story of Buzz Aldrin's service of "The Last Supper" on the moon. Jaye talked about how God can use us no matter how imperfect we are. "God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called."
Once again, breakfast was a feast. Work hats off to the cooks. They went all out on every meal! After breakfast we went downstairs to find a recently slaughtered pig lying in the outdoor sink. Lee said, "Guess that's dinner." And it was! We all went to a camp on the ocean later that afternoon where some men were roasting it over an open fire. After a "getting to know you" meeting with the sizable church staff we all feasted on the pork and fixings. Absolutely delish!
Earlier though, Gary and Sweet Basil worked with the tile guy while Zack, Jay, Erica, Lee and Rita sifted sand and then filled and carried bags of it from the sidewalk in front of the parsonage up to the roof of the second floor to the tile guys. We were able to incorporate our varied political views into our work as we labeled "heavy or hard to carry" bags "Trump bags." Less heavy bags were called "Hillary bags." And the lightest bags we named "Ruth Bader Ginsburg bags."
Lunch consisted of "checharra", a ham, olive, chickpea, and potato like stew that was delicious. Pastora Mercedes said she and Pastor Miguel ate this every day in earlier years when times were tough. Lunch was so tasty that we all over ate and explained "food coma" to Pastor Miguel. He explained the Cuban version of food coma is "the land is calling me" (to lay down and sleep), and said that is the only place a dog does not follow his master. :)
John worked on the pinewood derby cars in preparation for the big race that night. Jaye, Joan, Nancy and Corey finished putting the kids' photos in the frames for VBS that night. Ann worked once again trying to find a good internet signal that would allow her to connect with the blog. Best of all, we all took time to "build relationships." 
VBS started a little late tonight since we were late getting back from the pig roast, but nobody seemed to mind. They just go with the flow here. It was the last night for VBS and, as usual, spirits and energy were high. Clowns and women led the singing, and the kids loved the parachute, snacks and craft. Erica did her usually great job of telling the Bible story in Spanish. The kids hung on her every word. Very impressive, Erica! The teenagers were especially thrilled when their "Not in Cuba" friend beat John in the pinewood derby race.
Clean up and then back to the hotel for a good night's sleep.


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