Thursday, April 6, 2017


I would like to introduce you to the most well-used garage I've ever seen.  Due to the tremendous growth of Manzanillo Methodist Church, space is at a premium - not just on Sundays, but all week long.  While we were there, this one car garage behind the sanctuary functioned as a gathering space for youth during our evening VBS, and as an actual garage.


The car you see was purchased with funding we were able to give the church- empowering Pastor Miguel and Pastora Mercedes to travel to their mission churches, to conference activities, and to Methodist Women's events.  Though the car takes up space in the garage when it's not in use, it gives this pastoral couple an even more precious commodity: time.  Trips that would previously have taken days can now be done in an afternoon, allowing them more time with their family, more time in their church, and more time preparing for whatever mission or ministry opportunity is next.


The picture with younger kids was taken Sunday morning, and I've got to tell you:  Manzanillo Methodist Church is a leader-full organization.  Everywhere you look, there are leaders building into people of all ages.  Children are equipped to know, love, and serve God and neighbor.  Adults are sent out into the mission field.  Even youth regularly participate in prayer meetings, hospital visitations, and fun and exciting activities.

Speaking of youth, John and I had 45 of them in this one car garage Wednesday night.  We worked on our Pinewood Derby cars to race the following day.  Christina, standing in the center, helped us translate and all of the students had a blast.


God is up to good things in Manzanillo Methodist Church! I am so excited for this new sister church partnership, and I look forward to all that is in store.  Space may be limited , resources may be limited - but the ministry of God continues to thrive and grow as lives are transformed through the work of the Spirit.  Gloria Dios!

Pastor Zack Dunlap

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