Friday, April 7, 2017

A Full Thursday

Here is Thursday version of blog!! Do with it what you will.

Jaye speaking

Joan and I did devotion today, talking about communion in space, God equipping the called and singing our favourite, "Here I am, Lord".
The ladies finished putting the photo frames together and packing up all the extra supplies to leave at the church.
I was called downstairs to see what was going on, so that I could witness a dead pig being put in the back of the bus we travel in. You don't get to see that often in the states!!

Zack, Lee, Rita, Jay and Erika busied themselves hauling heavy bags of sand up three flights of stairs, Basil and Gary continued with the tiling. Apparently starting on the outside edges and meeting in the middle didn't work out as planned!!

We went to a church board meeting in a pretty park on the Caribbean. The breeze was incredible and the herd of cows walking through the meeting was just a slight distraction!

All our meals have been abundant to the point of embarrassing but totally delicious. Tonight was no exception as we were escorted into a meeting room at the complex which had been decorated so beautifully. There we were served the pig that had been roasting on a spit all afternoon. It was amazing.

As in other areas we have served time is not an issue. We were taken back to the hotel at eight to get changed and then on to the church at 8:30 for vbs which started at eight!! Thank goodness for clowns!! Two church members are trained clowns and they are so wonderful with the kids, it's a joy to behold. They had the kids singing and dancing and in the palms of their hands. If we thought there had been chaos the other nights, we hadn't seen anything yet! 220kids, more parents than we could count,and groups going in all directions so they were all mixed up. But you know what....the children all had a great time... so much fun, so much laughter,so many smiles and so much joy. HUGE thanks to all team members who helped so much.
The really bad news, though, during the pine wood derby, John lost his three years in a row champion crown....TO A GIRL😧😕😠😣😢

This has been an incredible experience with a group of really lovely people and I thank each of you for who you are and all that you contributed. You make me a better person.

Blessings on you.

A few more observations along the way.

When I was handing out tootsie to the workers one day, they lit up like I had given a valuable treasure and one man asked if he could take one for his wife. I was touched.

The honesty of Mercedes wanting to return the leftover money from the snacks.

Lee putting hearts on the blue team's nametags and then all the kids wanting one too.

Gary leaving his hammer with the tiler and how much that meant to both of them.

The dog pooping under the lunch table!!!

The extremely successful April fools trick played by Dilver and the bus driver to which we all fell hook,line and sinker!! They were so excited.

Emmanuel picking up "hi y'all....EH

Corey and her JOY when coconut ice cream was served.

Erika and Anna Rose and their sweet friendship.

Erika, Jay and Zack swimming with their clothes on.

There are so many precious moments along the way, smiles shared when language doesn't work, little gestures of friendship shared, God working and being present in really obvious ways and behind the scenes ways. 

I have been blessed.

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